
Wedekind, Wanja; Rüdrich, Joerg; Siegesmund, Siegfried; Rieffel, York:

Long-term evaluation of the conservation state of marble statues


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Participants, Authors:

The surface hardness correlated with the ultrasonic velocity
The surface hardness correlated with the ultrasonic velocity
Based on comparative investigations after a period of six years, a reduction of the ultrasonic velocity of 9% and 11% for two marble statues could be detected. The investigations on the objects were based on a newly implemented monitoring program using checklists and detailed mappings to document the development of the conservation state of the monumental statues in the historical center of Berlin, Germany. Traditional ultrasonic measurements were combined with surface hardness tests for selected representative areas using an equotip 3 device. In these areas, the water absorption was tested as well, using Karsten test pipes. In some areas and for different states of weathering, the results show a clear correlation between the surface hardness and the measured ultrasonic wavelength. The results of the water absorption tests underlined the differentiation of weathering forms. The investigations can help to characterize and distinguish between different forms of weathering, such as structural depth weathering or a softening close to the surface. By comparing the nondestructive and only minimal invasive test results with petro-physical compressive strength measurements of marble samples, a clear correlation between ultrasonic velocity, surface hardness, and capillary porosity could be identified. The results can help to calculate the stability assessment, plan the conservation, and make a prognosis of the ongoing weathering process. In conclusion, we elaborate a concept for conservation and restoration and make recommendations for a sustainable preservation of the sculptures.


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Participants, Authors:

  • Wanja Wedekind (Author)
    Geologisches Zentrum der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  • Joerg Rüdrich (Author)
  • Siegfried Siegesmund (Author)
  • York Rieffel (Author)