Project documentation
Lang, Johanna; Mühlenberend, Sandra; Roeßiger, Susanne:
Recommendations for the Preservation of Wax Moulages at Universities and Hospitals and in Museums and Other CollectionsWax (Moulages: A Valuable Handicraft Threatened with Extinction)
01.02.2008 to 19.11.2010
DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Table of contents

Cover of the recommendations for the preservation of wax moulages
The Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden (DHMD) holds one of the world's largest collections of wax moulages, comprising 2000 lifelike representations of pathological symptoms. European museums and universities still have collections of moulages of great value to cultural and medical history. Under the KUR programme, the DHMD in cooperation with other renowned institutions will develop a new technique for the conservation and restoration of these specimens and apply it on its own collection. The objective is to develop general standards and guidelines for the conservation and restoration of moulages, as well as an internet-based training course for restorers
Table of contents
introductionobjective and starting point
I. commentary
1. the survey
2. preventive conservation
3. active conservation
4. restoration
II. recommendations
basic requirements
1. the survey
2. preventive conservation
2.1. climate
2.2. Light
2.3. Storage
2.4. use
2.5. Transport, packing, lending and temporary exhibition
3. active conservation
3.1. inclusion of all components of a moulage, various types of damage
3.2. assigning work and calling for bids
4. Restoration
4.1. preservation of authenticity
4.2. assigning work and calling for bids
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DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
- Johanna Lang (Author)
Restaurierung KUR-Projekt "Wachsmoulagen"
Homepage: - Sandra Mühlenberend (Author)
Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden
Homepage: - Susanne Roeßiger (Author)
Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden
Homepage: - Ursula Baumer; Patrick Dietemann
Doerner Institut, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, München
Homepage: - Michael L. Geiges
Moulagenmuseum der Universität und des Universitätsspitals Zürich
Homepage: - Ute Hack
Restaurierungsabteilung, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, München
Homepage: - Marcus Herdin; Konstanze Schwadorf; Petra Seemann
Restaurierungsabteilung, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, München
Homepage: - Christoph Herm; Sylvia Hoblyn
Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden
Homepage: - Luise Kober
Restaurierung KUR-Projekt "Wachsmoulagen"
Homepage: - Thomas Schnalke; Navena Widulin
Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité
Homepage: - Angela Weyer
Hornemann Institut der HAWK