Academic thesis

Luise Krischok: back

Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: The so called Triangelportal on the porch of the Erfurt cathedral is dated back to the first half of the 14thcentury. Presumably between 1329 and 1337. It´s structure and architectural decorative elements point to the peak of the Gothic period, which can particularly be seen in the composition of the sculptures. The apostels are located in the northeastern part of the porch, which mainly served as an entrance for the clergy. Whereas the northwestern part of the porch shows several statues of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. It’s iconographically subordinated to the apostels portal and presumably served as a gate of paradise and thereby as an entrance to the Marienfriedhof during funerals. The sculptures are in different states of preservation. Especially the sculptures located in the northwestern part of the porch are affected heavily because of their exposure. In the 1980s the last more extensive restoration works took place with focus on preserving medieval settings by strengthening, glueing and cleaning them. Furthermore, shapes were completed and surfaces closed.Since more than 30 years went by since then, the cathedral building authority decided to extensively preserve and restore the porch starting with the Wise and Foolish Virgins. This paper focuses on one of the Wise Virgins. Studies on its current state are made and compared with the state from the 1980s. Especially in relation to the medieval color settings, since there is a high risk of losing even more of them due to thick gypsum crusts. Therefore, the aim of this work lies primarily in the area of conservation. The crusts should be removed or thinned out to such an extent that they have no further damaging effect and the medieval existence is secured.


  • academic institution: FH Erfurt
  • kind of theses:  Bachelorarbeit
  • date:  2020
  • Language:  German

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