Academic thesis

Angela Vorhofer: Th e stained glass windows around 1900 in the cloister of the abbey of Heiligenkreuz. Investigation, technological analysis and exemplary treatment back

Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: The focus of this work are stained glass windows in the cloister of the abbey of Heiligenkreuz. They were reconstructed after the medieval models and are part of the most important stained glass windows around 1900 in Austria. Key aspects consider with the history of the stained glass windows and their restoration history. The materials, techniques and damages are examined by a technological analysis. The composition of the glasses, enamel paints and the cause of damages are cleared by scientific investigations. Based on the results the concept for the conservation and restoration is developed. The focus of the treatment lays on the bonding of broken glass pieces, the preparation of fills and the consolidation of the enamel paints. The practical implementation is made as a treatment model in bay VI of the south wing.


Keywords: glass windows, bonding of glass, glass-fill, consolidation, glass paints
  • academic institution: Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
  • kind of theses:  Diplomarbeit
  • main Tutor:  Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gabriela Krist
  • assistant Tutor:  -
  • date:  2019
  • Language:  German

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