Weyer, Angela:
Visión general del proyecto EwaGlos / EwaGlos - an overview
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Der Aufsatz fasst das Projekt auf Spanisch und Englisch kurz zusammen.
The mobility of conservation specialists in Europe and the tenders of contracts on the European level are increasing at the same speed as the public’s interest in their cultural heritage. But communication is still difficult because the conservation terminology is not yet standardised in Europe. For this reason, a consortium of seven institutions—supported by associated partners and external experts and con-financed by the EU—has developed the richly illustrated glossary in eleven languages. The concise texts and demonstrative illustrations are designed to help readers quickly grasp and understand each term. The project specialised in wall paintings and architectonic surfaces because the terminology differs between the different fields of materials. From the end of October 2015, the glossary is available to the general public as an inexpensive, not-for-profit print publication.
The essay briefly summarises the project in Spanish and English.
Weyer, Angela: Visión general del proyecto EwaGlos / EwaGlos - an overview, in: Científica EwaGlos - EwaGlos International Meeting, Valencia, Universitat Politécnica de València, Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, 26.09.2014, book of abstracts, hg. von Pilar Roig, Pilar Bosch und Juana Bernal y José Antonio Madrid, Valencia 2014, S. 15-24
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DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
URL (Webaddress)
Participants, Authors:
- Angela Weyer (Author)
Hornemann Institut der HAWK
E-Mail: weyer@[Diesen Teil löschen]