Majoch, Slawomir; Zulichowski, Michal:
Nieznany obraz malarza Medyceuszy - Pietra Dandiniego.
Zagadnienia artystyczne i konserwatorskie
Unknown Painting by the Medici's Painter, Pietro Dandini
Artistic and Conservation Issues
Participants, Authors:

Pietro Dandini i Andrea Scacciati. Alegoria jesieni, Fot. SBA, Rzym
Petraia (Fig. 5) and Saint Antonio from the Cloister of Museo di San Marco in Florence (Fig. 6). At the same time they attempt to prove that a bouquet of flowers in the painting (Fig. 7) was painted by a painter of still nature – Andrea Scacciati (Fig. 8-9) - Dandini's frequent co-operator. Basing their thesis on the archive materials found in the Florence Archivio Provinciale dei Cappuccini as well as the correspondence published by S. Ciampi, the authors prove that the painting was painted in 1700 on the order of the Capuchin Fathers from Cracow. Apart from the painting with Saint Antonio, the paintings with Saint Francisco of Assisi (Fig. 10) and Saint Kajetan (Fig. 11) were also ordered. Further part focuses on technological issues that prove the authenticity of the painting. The paper fmishes with the presentation of the painting's condition and conservation works.
Polish Essay with English abstract from the book
Korzeniowski,Tomasz (wyd.): Materiały II, Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej Studentów Konserwacji Zabytków,Toruń, 24 - 26 lutego 2000 r., Tom II, Toruń 2000 (= Studenci o konserwacji 2)
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Participants, Authors:
- Majoch, Slawomir; Zulichowski, Michal (Author)