
Andrea Moser: Weathering and Conservation Possibilities for the Conservation and Restoration of Limestone of Adnet as Exemplified by the Memorial for „Simon Ruckhenpaiumbs“ in St. Stephens Cathedral, Vienna Zurück

Sprache: Original   -   Übersetzung
Zusammenfassung: Mechanical and chemical weathering mechanisms acting on the surface areas of the dense, publishable limestone from Adnet quarries require specific conservation and restoration measures. An example was set by the model restoration of a 17th century memorial stone on the west façade of St. Stephens Cathedral in Vienna. By setting up a test series, it was possible to select the most appropriate imptregnation substance to lessen further of damage ba deleterious elements. Also featured were examinations investigating the hygrometic dilation and the water absorbency of the clay components in the Adnet limestone, as well as ultra-sonic measurements.


weitere Angaben:
  • Hochschule: Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
  • Art der Arbeit:  Diplomarbeit
  • Erstprüfer/in:  Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gabriela Krist
  • Zweitprüfer/in:  -
  • Abgabedatum:  2006
  • Sprache:  German

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