Schwan, Stephan:
Wie werden Fragmente und Ergänzungen wahrgenommen und interpretiert? Rekonstruktionen als kognitive Werkzeuge
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How are fragments and additions perceived and interpreted? Reconstructions as cognitive tools
Human perception is able to compensate for minor visual incompleteness. However, if the incompleteness exceeds a certain level, the impression of perception remains fragmentary. Digital or material supplements offer a remedy here; they serve as cognitive tools that can support the understanding of historical facts. However, they influence the impression of authenticity that a historical object or building gives the viewer. Furthermore, additions represent more or less easily verifiable interpretations which viewers are often not aware of and can lead to false conclusions. The lecture will give an overview of the state of research on these topics.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schwan ist Professor für Lehr- und Lernforschung am Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien in Tübingen, dessen stellvertretender Direktor er ist. Er leitet dort die Arbeitsgruppe ''Realitätsnahe Darstellungen / Realistic Depiction Group''.
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