Bunsch, Eryk:
O aspektach wspölpracy konserwatoröw dziel sztuki z archeologami
The aspects of cooperation between Conservators of Works of Art
and Archeologists.
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Gömy fi.agment steli nagrobnej Fot. E. Bunsch
years. However, the circles of archaeologists and conservators who have focused on solving the problems in interpenetrating fields, often on the base of the same historical material, have been working in their own isolated worlds. So far any attempts to establish the co-operation have only remained initiatives on behalf of individual persons. They have not found a significant response from either of the groups. In the recent four years the author has participated in two archaeological expeditions conducted in the area of the ancient town, Novae. The expeditions were organised by the Centre of Archaeological lnvestigations of the Warsaw University. Novae is located on the Danube, in the secluded region of north
Bulgaria. There are not many tourists visiting this area. From the beginning
of the first century A.D., Novae became one of the major cities in the Lower Mesia. These expeditions enabled the author to get familiar with the real picture of the archaeological field works, conducted at a rich historical site. They have also led into his fascination with both the history of the town and the possibilities coming from interdisciplinary cooperation of the conservator's historical works
knowledge and the basics of archaeological knowledge. The diversity of fields of
science, seemingly separate, however constructing a clear and complete picture
of the past and what has remained until now, was particularly attractive. It turned out that knowledge gained during the studies might be another element completing the picture. The author aspires to present the diversity of issues related to the study of works of art, not away from their original place, but in the context of particular site specifics.
The attempt to identify stone materials used in the building of the fortress
constitutes a very interesting issue in the region of Novae. The correct study
of this issue involves cooperation between an archaeologist and a conservator,
who with the basics of geology, chemistry as we11 as stone mining and dressing
technology, can create a complex programme of investigations and can interpret
its results. Bearing in mind the development of the two close scientific disciplines, it is necessary to establish interchange of infomation and expand joint
exploration programmes.
Polish Essay with English abstract from the book
Korzeniowski,Tomasz (wyd.): Materiały II, Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej Studentów Konserwacji Zabytków,Toruń, 24 - 26 lutego 2000 r., Tom II, Toruń 2000 (= Studenci o konserwacji 2)
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Beteiligte, Autor/inn/en:
- Eryk Bunsch (Autor/in)